Ülemiste vanake

Youth musical Ülemiste vanake is a co-production of the students of Vanalinna Hariduskolleegium (VHK) and Georg Ots Tallinn Music College, supervised by
Siim Aimla. The music is written by Aino Rahel Aimla (VHK), and directed by Emma Tross (VHK) and Reti Ann Niimann, and the music is performed by students
from both schools.

The members of the band are: Aino Rahel Aimla, Johan Kristjan Aimla, Stella Liivik, Siim Aimla ja Richard Raun.

Vocal: Neleri Silvet, Kärt Uhtjärv, Bianka Andersoo, Annabrith Heinmaa, Raimond Veiper, Reti Ann Niimann.