Anete Liit (laul, klahvpillid)
Remo Lepamaa (basskitarr, laul)
Laura Tekla Mežule (laul)
Marilin Tisler (laul)
Elis Kannimäe (laul)
Karoliina Käsn (klahvpillid)
Ann Getter Tammeveski (klahvpillid)
Rebeka Johanna Puttonen (klahvpillid, laul)
Erki Kivisilla (löökpillid)
Marten Laane (löökpillid)
Joosep Raidma (löökpillid)
Eduard Transtok (kitarr)
Ilona Sedrik (kitarr)
Brigitta Metsküla (plokkflööt)
Margus Vannas (plokkflööt)
Emma Emilia Puttonen (viiul)
We are a young collective from the Käina School of Fine Arts. We're only in the second season. The band started as a co-operation project but now band classes are part of the curriculum of the Käina School of Fine Arts. Our members are mostly students of the Käina School of Fine Arts and the Kärdla Music School.
We have aimed at providing a co-play opportunity for all students in our school regardless of the specialty they are studying – this explains the large composition of
our band (almost 20 people). We have aimed at providing a co-play opportunity for all students in our school regardless of the specialty they are studying – this is due to the large composition of our band (almost 20 people). Our most important performance so far was this year's participation in the Sõru Jazz festival. We have also performed at local events. Maybe we're not going to make it right yet, but we're enjoying learning and playing music!