We branded our collective from a MUBA's play-together music class. We don't follow a
specific style - we play the music that fellows like most and listen to all day. Even if every
chap enjoys a different fashion of sounds, we still find common ground, routinely mingling
jazz, and rock together. We want to show the audience our vigorous energy and super
instrument-handling skills. 

Kristjan Mario Lindström – guitar, vocal
Sander Tilk – piano
Anna Hint – bass
Marvin Palotu – drums


EML logo Jazz ee koduleht logo kultuurimin 3lovi est PhillyJoeshol Saue MK SaueVald Kulka haridusmin 3lovi est  ERK logo EST 2  EML Noor Instrumentalist RGB Kivi Paber Kaarid logo hele download  Artboard 1 copy